The Research
With the 1st scientifically validated soft skills assessment in the world, Beyond Education’s holistic suite of solutions enables schools to make data-driven decisions that lead to increased learning outcomes, more effective educational programs, and improved financial results.

To thrive in the 21st Century,
students have to master the 4 dimensions of learning.
Most schools focus on the knowledge Dimension. Yet, there are 12 Competencies that make up the other 3 Dimensions (Skills, Character, and Meta-Learning) necessary for all people to adapt and thrive in a changing world.
The Competency Compound Inventory of 21st Century Skills (CCI-21)
BE created a research-based model, the CCI-21, to provide a scientifically validated instrument to measure students’ 12 Competencies using an online- assessment.
Main Characteristics
Aligned to key dimensions of other international frameworks including PISA and social-emotional frameworks such as CASEL.
Adopts a strength-based approach to encourage students and schools to advance their strongest Competencies and to use their strengths to support the development of less-developed Competencies.
Accounts for contextual differences of students by considering demographics and self-report, social desirability.
Robust Scientific Underpinning
Scale, dimension, and items. Student levels are age-calibrated
Convergent validity was shown with other key measures and items are aligned to other international frameworks
Psychometric properties are considered reliable and assessed independently on each language